Thanks for checking out Grace Church! If you’re looking for a church in the area to attend, consider this our official invitation to YOU. No matter your age, background, ethnicity – all are welcome at Grace Church.
Browse this page to learn more about our Sunday gatherings including style, worship and logistical information.
Worship that is…
Truth - Based
We believe that true worship of and affection for God arise out of the truth of God. Therefore, we seek to saturate our worship with biblical truth and let our emotions be a response to it.
God - Focused
We believe that God is the only object of true worship and that worship is only possible because of his initiative. Therefore, we seek to focus the content of our worship more on who he is and what he’s done for us and less on us and what we do for God.
Jesus - Centered
We believe that true worship is only possible because Jesus is the new temple whose once-and-for-all sacrifice cleanses us from sin and allows us to enter God’s presence. Therefore we seek to make the Gospel (Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection) the center stage both in the content and shape of our worship.
Spirit - Enabled
We believe that it is the job of the Spirit to produce worship in us. As we come to the truth of God in the Gospel, he opens our eyes to see and fills our hearts with praise. Therefore, we seek to be completely dependent on the Holy Spirit every week to do what we are unable to do.
Corporate Gatherings
7506 James Madison Hwy
Gainesville, VA 20155
10:30a - Corporate Worship
7:00p - Wednesday Worship
Children & Youth
We believe that our children and young people are a blessing from the Lord. We take great care to ensure their safety during their time at Grace Church. Our lessons are age-appropriate, well-prepared, and focused on teaching the comprehensive story of God’s Word. On Sundays, we offer the classes for children & youth:
Nursery & Toddlers (0-3 years),
Entire Worship Service, Every Sunday
Grace Kids Younger (4-5 years)
Dismissed Mid-Service, Every Sunday
Grace Kids Older (6-8 years)
Dismissed Mid-Service, no class on ‘5th Sundays’
Grace Juniors (9-11 years)
Dismissed Mid-service on 1st and 3rd Sundays
Youth Sunday School (7th-12th grade)
Prior to Corporate Worship at 9:15a.