Our Partners


At Grace, we partner with several like-minded organizations to help us fulfill the Great Commission through the expansion of healthy, biblical churches throughout our nation and world abroad.


The Pillar Network is a community of SBC & International Baptist Churches that are doctrinally aligned, missionally driven, & committed to equipping, planting, & revitalizing churches, TOGETHER.

We have been affiliated with The Pillar Network since 2018. We are glad to be in Covenant Partnership with the Pillar Network of churches. This enables us to join with other like minded congregations to extend the Kingdom of God through church planting, revitalization and equipping future generations of God’s people!

9Marks is a ministry dedicated to equipping church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources. Their goal is simple: churches that display the glory of God.

9Marks has been an important asset to our church. In addition to the wealth of resources they make available, our senior pastor has had a long-time relationship with Mark Dever (the president of 9Marks) and the other pastors of Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

The IMB or International Mission Board is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention whose mission is to make disciples of all peoples in fulfillment of the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. Their goal is to reach the 6,000+ people groups that have no access to the gospel.

In addition to regular financial support, we have sent a few of our own to do long-term missions trips as well as one to be a full-time missionary through the IMB.

Making the Gospel Known Ministries exists to come alongside families and churches to train and equip them for evangelism.

Chris Peeler (who founded this ministry) and his family have been long-time friends and resources to our church. They have done marriage seminars, church retreats, evangelism training, and have taught in varying contexts for our church. In addition to financial support, we occasionally have a small group of young people from our church participate in their short-term missions trip to be equipped to and engage in street-witnessing in downtown Baltimore.